First Name: *
Last Name: *
Title: *
Home institution: *
City, Country: *
E-mail: *
Expected date and time of arrival: *
Arriving to Serbia by plane? * YesNo
Please write expected landing time and date: *
What mode of transportation will you be using?: *
Travelling with another lecturer? * YesNo
With whom are you traveling, and how many of you?: *
Leaving Serbia by plane (Nikola Tesla airport)? * YesNo
Please state expected take of time and date: *
Attach the purchased ticket in pdf (Due to reimbursement of travel expenses): *
Requests, allergies and dietary requirements:
I agree that the Pasteur Institute may use my data from this registration for the purpose of recording attendance at the symposium. The data will be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy, which you can find here, and will be stored in accordance with data protection laws. By clicking "SEND," I confirm my consent to the stated conditions.